The Rajasthan government has initiated a swift probe into the alleged exposure of the REET paper. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has instructed a high-level investigation to expose those responsible for the incident . The government are resolute to guaranteeing fair administration of the REET assessment . Strict measures will be taken against those i
Rajasthan's Projected Boundaries: Visions of 2025
As we gaze towards the horizon, the state of Rajasthan stands on the cusp of significant transformation. By 2025, the terrain of this vibrant land may bear a strikingly new visage. Rumors abound about potential extensions to Rajasthan's borders, fueled by shifting demographics. Perhaps a slice of neighboring Gujarat will be integrated, creating
RSMSSB ड्राइवर भर्ती 2025: अपडेट और नवीनतम जानकारी
राजस्थान सरकार ने मौकों की भर्ती के लिए शुरू में. इस भर्ती में, व्यक्तियों को वाहन परिवहन कर्मी के पद पर स्थापित किया जाएगा. इस चयन में